Saturday, June 9, 2012

Married Life

Ok so first of I was way to lazy to make a new blog so i just decided to change my old  one to my married one. Since I have not really posted in a long time I have so many things to say and to tell you about. So lets starts with a LIFE CHANGING step in OUR lives...(crazy ours and not just mine) anyways we got married April 28th 2012, it was by far the best day ever I can honestly say it has by far been one of the best decisions i have made. Getting Hitched to Jp Beall has brought so many blessings to my life and he honestly makes me so happy. He is my best friend:) I have honestly enjoyed every moment of being married to him. There has not been one day where I have not though about it. We are so different yet it works out great! Jp and I weren't able to go on a honeymoon. So we spent it here at our little cute and humble home. Then our first week of being Married we babysat the Seever kids but that Sunday afternoon we headed up to Snowflake. During our trip to Snowflake I got to see Jps Traveling side. He is so funny to go on road trips. While in Snowflake I met all of his family and we went to the Snowflake temple. We only stayed for one day so that is pretty much all we did. That next week was pretty calm he goes to work I go to work and then come home and make dinner. Ever since we got married we have been gotten super close to the HONS they are honestly our closes friends and we honestly enjoy our fun times together. Our date nights and Temple nights are bomb:) We have also had other date nights with more couples and its been fun. We have hung out with his parents and uncle john and aunt donna. We go to lunch and then usually a movie. When jp and I got married we set a goal to go to the temple every week and so far that is going great. Our most current adventure is making family movies. We want our kids to see us before they came into this world. and im sure the filming will continue all through out our lives. We also bought our cedar chest. Its his family TRADITION. They put memories in the cedar chest of the family. As you can see we have been keeping busy. I love Married Life!