Sunday, April 13, 2014

Just some Random Pictures

Oh and for those of you who dont know We bought a car!!! The Swagger Wagon ( A Van)

Phoenix Zoo

We had the opportunity to take Brigham to the Phoenix Zoo on Presidents Day. We invited our Close friends the Ayelsworths. Brigham didnt really care much for it. I think he was still to young but it was his first time and we just really wanted to go. At the petting zoo Brig didnt really want to touch the Animals. It was funny! Thank goodness Kaleb was there to show Brig how to do it.

Seaworld, Legoland, Oceanside

Our first trip with Brigham we were fortunate to take with The Mortensens. We stayed at the Blue beach bungalow. This trip was so fun. it was both mine and Brighams first time to Seaworld and Legoland. 

His first Christmas

Oh boy did Brig enjoy the wrapping paper. Thats right the wrapping paper. It was funny to see how he didn't acre much for anything. He did love his Batman Car ( Thanks aunt Monica). Other than that he didn't really care. Also Brooke took some pictures of him for the Cards that we didn't send.....He didn't enjoy that much because he was teething. But here are some pictures of that photo shoot and Christmas. Also we were able to Face Time the best missionary in the world.

We Went To Mexico!!!

So for SPRING BREAK we went to Mexico. It was a very fun trip. Brigham was able to meet both of his Great-Grandmas from my side of the family. We Went to the beach and to the markets. To El Cerro De La Memoria. Which is where i use to go when i was little I really enjoyed our trip. We will soon go back hopefully but  in the mean time here are some Pictures!


10 Months old

Its been such a long time since i posted anything about Brigham. Since the last time he started crawling, clapping his hands, having his attitude, pulling himself up, saying no, mom, dad, shaking his head no, dancing. Pretty much everything fun. I am excited for him to start walking. People keep telling me to be careful what i wish for but i think it will be so fun. 
First time eating Cheese Cake!!!!

Best Friends!!!!