Yesterday and Today have been by far the best days ever....I have honestly enjoyed spending time with my friends. Miranda, Chelsea, McKenzie and Ami you guys are the best no joke.! Yesterday was Chelseas birthday and I must admit I loved hanging out with that girl....She has become one of my closes friends. We had all agreed that we were going to watch Harry Potter at midnight and I must say it was the best choice I could have possibly made. The day Started around 4 PM yesterday I went to Chelseas House and we all got in her car to go to her Grandmas house to get ready for the Harry Potter part 2 Premire. It was such a bonding time with Chels that I can honestly say she is one of my closest friends. We both Dressed up as Harry Potter characters. Then we were on our way to the theaters. it was weird walking around the mall dressed up but once you entered the food court (were we had to wait to be seated) you felt normal. People get so Crazy when it comes to this but it was fun to see. I was able to see some friends from high school and some of my brother in laws friends as well. The wait was not bad at all we sat and watched some of part 1 and then we started playing MORMON MOUTHFUL! That was fun just for the fact that the guys sitting infront of us joined our game one of them had just gotten of his mission like 5 HOURS before he got to the theater. But it was so fun because now we have friends that we prolly would of never had if it wouldnt of been for the midnight showing. While the waiting continued we took pictures with some really crazy fans and then Chelsea and I decided to duel. I totally kicked her butt....I think. The movie was 30 minutes away from starting when i decided to do my visiting teaching:) I know what a great idea! The movie was by far the best. At the end it was a little bittersweet just because I know its done and there is no more waiting. I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!
The Super Crazy Fans!
As you can see it was not a weird night at all!
Bryce Harris:)
Oh Chelsea...Thanks for rocking my socks!
I kicked butt...I think!
Yea We are Crazy.....Your Point??
Harriet and Ron
Best Night Ever =)
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