Its been a while since I have blogged. This blog will hopefully help me Catch up. This last month has been really crazy so here it goes.
So many of you don't know this but My hubby and I have named our cars... His cars name is LOLITA and my cars name is BERTHA. Bertha has been the car that we drive the most its our weekend car and our trip car. But since Bertha has been the Beall Mobile she has been the one with the most problems.

Bertha is a Ford Escape and if you didn't know they recently got recalled for having problem with the gas pedal sticking while accelerating.....well you might not believe this but it happened to us. We were driving up to snowflake July 27 for the PIONEER DAY CELEBRATION. We had just turned to the road from Heber to Snowflake. My hubby decided to pass a car when before you know it we are going 80... he slams on the breaks and nothing is happening. Thats when I decided to call my Brother (he knows about cars) he told me to put the car in neutral and that it should coast down and when we were at a complete stop to turn the car off. Well we did but let me tell you Bertha smelled like burnt metal and some smoke was coming out of the was so we were stranded for like 30 minutes until some guy in a white truck asked us what had happened we told him and all he said was "good luck with that." Then he drove of..about 15 minutes after that this Missionary couple ( like a wife and a hubby on a mission) pulled over to help..Elder Neilson knew how to make the gas pedal not be stuck anymore...thanks to him we were able to make it into snowflake...once we got there we realized the damage too our motor it was we couldn't drive Bertha home:( so this is what we did we rented a Uhal trailer and hauled it down to my parents house. There my dad was able to fix it except our water tank had a crack so we had to replace that.

Glad to say we Got Bertha fixed and she is up and running. We have put so much in Bertha plus she is our first car ever since we got married. Jp and I have talked about it and maybe Bertha will be with us till we have our kids and it might be their first car....but who knows??
While being up in Snowflake we got to go to the Parade and We got to meet some pretty cool people. For example I got to meet Jeff Flake.
and my wonderful Husband got to meet the Taco Bell Hot Sauce. For those of you who know JP you know his favorite restaurant is Taco Bell so this was honestly a dream come true.
Change of story now...On the Fourth of July we were blessed to go on a Road Trip with the Hons....Ever since we got married we became best friends with them and honestly usually when we hang out or double date its with them. Anyways we took our road trip to Payson. It was by far a fun fun experience. We went to a thrift store while waiting for the fireworks to start and on the way there we took a couple pictures....and some videos.
Chelsey and I met each other at singles ward and we hung out with the same group of friends...we got married a month apart from each other.
Jp and Spencer went to high school together they were a year apart from each other. So when Jp was a Junior Spencer was a Senior.
The weather was very nice it rained on the way up felt good because it wasn't 100 degree weather.
July was truly an eventful month.