So its been a long time since i last blogged. I guess I really just need to sit and force myself to do it. Lately life has been a bit crazy. So let me get started. JP and I have officially been married for over a year. Its hard to believe right?? Well to be honest the first year was amazing, I got so lucky with my man. He is wonderful and he likes to spoil me. I can't complain he treats me like a princess. So a few days before our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY we were moving:(. Sad I know. It was really hard saying goodbye to APARTMENT 3018. It was our first home and to be honest I cried when we turned the keys in. There were so many memories made there. Not just that but we were moving back to Queen Creek. I really wasn't looking forward to that, I had gotten use to living so close to everything. Plus I loved our Ward, and our calling. A part of me wanted to stay there for that reason, Our Ward, Our Calling. But the apartment was just to small. We had to think of our baby, so we decided to embark on our next adventure which was buying a house. I know CRAZY!!! Honestly it was so hard to find a house, all the houses we would put offers on we would never get because we always got outbid. We tried so hard to find a house in Gilbert. The more we looked the higher the prices got and the smaller our chances. So with a heavy heart I started looking in Queen Creek. The good thing about that is that we could get a bigger house and for a cheaper price. But the same thing would happen to most of the houses we liked. we would get outbid. It sucked because I fell in love with many houses. Eventually we found a house that was just great so we decided to put a huge bid on it. This house we waited forever to hear about....The seller accepted our offer. That's when the waiting game began. That was not the only thing we were waiting for. We were also expecting our little boy BRIGHAM. There was a small chance we could have gotten our house first before our little man came. I made it my goal to make sure Brigham was born early. Not really early, I just didn't want to go over my due date. Well My little man is just like me STUBBORN. I went walking, Running, I did ZUMBA, I crawled up stairs.....Nothing made my labor come any sooner. I actually think it made him want to stay in there longer because that is exactly what he did. He taught me a lesson and that was PATIENCE! Proud to say Brigham decided to start his labor on his due date. Crazy because not a lot of people get that to happen. I was so happy he had finally decided to come...well I was once again wrong he wanted me to really learn to be patient. I was in labor for over 48 hours...It is the most painful thing ever. I went to the hospital three times. The first two times they sent me home, don't get me wrong I was having contraction every 2-5 minutes but I was not dilating so they couldn't keep me there. That happened twice, I was so angry that they did that. I was in pain and I wanted to be able to feel better. Anyways the next day i still had contractions it became bad at night I was crying cuz of all the pain. Everyone I talked to told me that when you are in labor you cant talk or walk and that I would probably be swearing. Well I was still talking and I was not swearing....even though I was in so much pain I didn't want to go to the hospital. I didn't want them to send me home again. Eventually Jp and my mom forced me to and I am so glad they did because I was dilated to a 5 1/2 i was in labor:) but my little stubborn boy wouldn't make his appearance till 10:26 AM the next day. Brigham Paul was Born June 1st 2013! That day my little brother was going through the Temple for the first time. I was really bummed out I couldn't go and be there with him. You see my little brother was then getting ready to go on his mission. He left this Wednesday and I was the first to cry. I honestly miss him so much. I know he is doing the right thing, I am so proud of him for going on his mission and I love that he has two great examples to follow. Anyways Today is the day we are getting our keys to our new home. I am so excited, I loved living with my mom but i am excited to have a place of my own:) I will post pictures of our home soon!
Elder Ibarra and Brigham right before Elder Ibarra left |
Brigham Paul Beall (1 week old) |
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