Monday, August 5, 2013

Brighams Baby Blessing

Its been a while since I last blogged and what better way to post than to write about Brighams baby blessing. It was yesterday August 4, 2013. The day started out pretty normal i woke up early to make sure the diaper bag was ready. Once I realized it was I started to get ready. I gave Brig a bath and then I fed him. He was the last one to get ready.

Jp and I had to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out some paper work.
we tried to save two benches and ended up saving 1 1/2. We had all of our family my parents my sister her hubby and daughters, my in laws, bro and sister in law, jps grandparents, aunts and uncle. Since my dad and bro were not in the circle i invited people that to me are like family. I invited The mortensens (Les and Crystal, and The Rogers (Katie and Ben). we also invited the Nelsons. It was great to see them there.

I wish my brother could have been here but he is happy serving his mission in Chicago Illinois. I am so proud of his decision to go. I am proud to call myself a sister of a missionary. I will make sure once Brig starts getting older to show him pictures of hi TIO! 

In other news I got a job and I have been working there for a week it has been so fun I love it. I was born to be a teacher:)
The school is Hillcrest Academy!

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